Archive | Control System prototyping

Logic Sequencer added in latest version of Spike

First there was the mechanical drum switch, an important control device that has controlled (amongst other things) washing machines and the like for a long time. A Cam timer (courtesy Wikipedia) This evolved into the more flexible software programmable PLC sequencer . The latest version of Spike Prototype has a built in logic sequencer for rapid […]

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Confessions of an automation engineer

A couple of years back, whilst I was between train-wreck automation project contracts, I somehow got to looking at overall factory floor integration in the context of modern internet software development technology that was upending every other industry except ours. The more I looked at industrial automation, the more I thought that the only way […]

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Software defined everything

When the wall street journal starts talking about IT departments reimagining their roles by adopting Agile methodologies to fuel experimentation and prototyping in order to reshape the way their companies work, you know the concept has not just gone mainstream; it is mainstream. In this article on software defined everything ,they touch upon software defined networking […]

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Serialisation and OPCUA

Serialisation wireframe overview Serialisation. This compelling event for the pharmaceutical industry is now being tackled by the OPC foundation Open-SCS working group. Though a bit late to the game for a number of markets, its still of value for all future implementations for new drugs. One of their main objectives is to standardise the data […]

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